10/28/2022 7:04:11 PM Death, Taxes And Cyberattacks... By Bob Ackerman Economies expand and economies contract but cyberattacks (and related budgets, costs, and consequences) only move in one direction - "up...
7/19/2022 7:36:01 PM Cybersecurity, Washington is Stepping Up It's Game... By Bob Ackerman For many years now, Cyber has been the subject of a gnashing of teeth in Washington, D.C. There have been endless calls for "immediate...
7/13/2022 4:01:12 PM Breaches - You are Going to Get Hit, Get Prepared By Bob Ackerman Cybersecurity breaches have become a daily occurrence and the explosive use of Ransomware materially lowers the bar for would be hackers...
6/8/2022 5:16:51 PM Keep Your Enemies Close and Your Friends Closer By Bob Ackerman There is a "circle of trust" in cyber security between business and trading partners where "trust" is assumed. Unfortunately, not every...
5/27/2022 10:00:20 PM Cybersecurity and Insider Threats - The Frenemy Dilemma By Bob Ackerman More than 50% of cybersecurity incidents have an "insider" component, where one of your "trusted" partners (employees, contractors,...
5/25/2022 7:33:25 PM Regulators are Doubling Down on Cybersecurity By Bob Ackerman The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is once again turning its attention to standards and reporting for cybersecurity within...
4/30/2022 10:27:59 PM Cybersecurity Threats - A Growth Industry By Bob Ackerman While enterprises are increasing aware of the threats from digital adversaries and cybersecurity budgets accordingly continue to move...
4/13/2022 4:40:44 PM Zero Trust - A Concept Whose Time has Come... By Bob Ackerman For many years, the refrain "Trust but Verify" described how most organizations approached cyber security. The basic concept embraced a...
4/7/2022 3:03:07 AM US Government and Industry get Down to Business to Secure Critical Infrastructure By Bob Ackerman The US Government and the US Electric Utility industry have made tremendous strides over the last two years to collaborate in their...
3/1/2022 3:50:45 AM Incident Response Plans - Your Late! By Bob Ackerman You can deploy all the most modern cyber defenses, state of the art threat identification and detection, advanced cyber risk management...
3/1/2022 3:02:10 AM AI In Cybersecurity - the Latest "Arm's Race" By Bob Ackerman Artificial Intelligence ("AI") has promised levels of intelligent automation that can materially level the playing field for cyber...
2/25/2022 1:34:55 AM The State of Cyber Security in a Time of War By Bob Ackerman Cyber Security is going to take center-stage as the geopolitical world heats up and cyber toolbox is likely to be put on full display. ...