8/23/2019 7:59:13 PM Corporate Boards Are Stepping Up to the Plate to Monitor and Improve Cybersecurity By Bob Ackerman Not so long ago, many corporations largely relegated cybersecurity to their IT departments and stepped aside. They did what they could...
8/19/2019 4:01:34 PM DataTribe - Leading Innovation in Cyber Security & Data Science By Bob Ackerman AllegisCyber "start-up foundry" partner, DataTribe, is mining the deepest reservoir of advanced cyber security innovation & engineering...
8/13/2019 4:20:53 AM Cyber Innovation Takes Hold in Maryland By Bob Ackerman With the deepest concentration of cyber security innovation and engineering in the world, Maryland has become "ground zero" for the...
8/11/2019 8:27:08 PM Political Leaders Need to Prioritize Cyber Security By Bob Ackerman Candidates for President of the United States have been noticeably silent on the subject of Cyber Security. In a digitized global...
8/10/2019 2:21:45 AM Important New Book - The Fifth Domain By Bob Ackerman A Solid Review of my good friend Richard Clarke's new book - "The Fifth Domain", by another good friend, Gordon Crovitz. Definitely...
8/7/2019 12:00:00 AM As the Cyber Stakes increase; so do the costs... By Bob Ackerman The explosive growth of the cyber security threat landscape has created an chronic shortage of relevant technology leadership and...