11/20/2021 1:14:42 AM Internet of Things (IoT) - The WILD WILD West In Cyber Security By Bob Ackerman Billions of Devices, growing to 10s of Billions of Devices on the way to 100's of Billions of Devices - all "doing their thing"...
10/29/2021 5:29:04 PM IoT & Cyber Security - Risks Associated with a Virtualized Perimeter... By Bob Ackerman The explosive growth of IoT devices at every level, is redefining the "perimeter" from a cyber security perspective and threatening to...
2/1/2021 6:02:54 PM IoT - The Security "Achille's Heal" of the Digital Global Economy By Bob Ackerman The Internet of Things (IoT) promises to drive innovation and deliver unprecedented efficiency as the global economy digitizes. At the...
2/27/2020 2:52:48 PM IoT is Exploding, and so are the Security Risks By Bob Ackerman IoT devices, the vast majority of which are wireless, promise a broad range of benefits across the spectrum of enterprise and consumer...