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Internet of Things (IoT) - The WILD WILD West In Cyber Security

Billions of Devices, growing to 10s of Billions of Devices on the way to 100's of Billions of Devices - all "doing their thing" independent of each other with little to no central control or security coordination - What Could Possibly Go Wrong?!?!  The explosive growth of IoT devices promise unimagined levels of connectivity, information sharing, automation, convenience....  basically, a data and information driven revolution that re-wires how and what we do in almost every aspect of our daily lives.  The problem of course is keeping these devices (and information flows) in their swim lanes to ensure predictable, measurable and accountable results.  But with an unlimited number of vendors, suppliers, applications, and use cases, all with no central coordination or control, how do we ensure security.  One of the stickiest problems in cyber security today.  Once again, our vision for automation is running way ahead of our ability to protect that vision from abuse and misuse...

In a world replete with endless cyberattacks, IoT devices have minimal security, in part because cybersecurity stewards and their bosses are busy with other things and aren’t demanding improvement. Neither does it help that IoT has much lower memory and computational capabilities than normal IT systems and cannot be centrally managed and configured. So IoT manufacturers focus mostly on developing and making ever more connectable products in a relentless effort to steal market share from competitors.


securitymagazine, iotsecurity, allegiscyber