10/28/2022 7:04:11 PM Death, Taxes And Cyberattacks... By Bob Ackerman Economies expand and economies contract but cyberattacks (and related budgets, costs, and consequences) only move in one direction - "up...
9/21/2022 11:57:12 PM NBC News Reports on Explosive Report by Strider Technologies on China Efforts at US National Labs By Bob Ackerman Strider Technologies, a DataTribe-backed company, has released a report disclosing Chinese government efforts to co-opt research at US...
6/1/2022 5:35:42 PM Dragos' Rob Lee Named one of Top 12 Cyber CEOs By Bob Ackerman Business Leader , a UK-based publication has named their Top 12 Cyber Security CEOs globally, including Rob Lee, the co-founder and CEO...
5/3/2022 5:50:45 AM DataTribe-backed ENVEIL Announces $25M Series B Financing... By Bob Ackerman ENVEIL, the leading pioneer in homomorphic encryption and market leader in Privacy-Enhancing-Technologies (PETs), backed by AllegisCyber...
5/3/2022 5:28:29 AM DataTribe Foundry-backed Strider Announces Series B Financing By Bob Ackerman Strider Technologies, the leading industrial intelligence platform, backed by AllegisCyber investment partner DataTribe, the...
4/19/2022 8:43:03 PM "60 Minutes" Broadcast - Dragos and Industrial Security By Allegis Cyber Dragos' co-founder and CEO Rob Lee, and principal security researcher Julian Gutmanis, were featured in a comprehensive report by 60...
1/28/2022 11:45:07 PM The Digital Achille's Heal - Supply Chains By Bob Ackerman While the vulnerabilities and failures of industrial supply chains are a daily topic in the news, the digital supply chains that...
7/26/2021 7:58:41 PM AllegisCyber "Foundry" Partner DataTribe Puts Up a Hat Trick with Three Exits in a Month By Bob Ackerman DataTribe, located in Columbia, Maryland, is described as the leading Cybersecurity and Data Science "foundry" in the world and has built...
5/11/2021 3:38:39 AM Prevailion's Karim Hijazi discusses the Colonial Pipeline Cyber Attack with FOX Business News By Bob Ackerman Karim Hijzai, the founder and CEO of market leading threat counter-intelligence company Prevailion discusses the Ramsonware attack on...
5/10/2021 5:43:42 PM Prevalion's Founder & CEO Karim Hijazi talks with Bloomberg on the Colonial Pipeline Cyber Attack By Bob Ackerman America’s most important fuel pipeline is still out of commission after being targeted in a ransomware cyberattack. The Colonial Pipeline...
5/10/2021 5:28:42 PM Dragos' Founder & CEO Rob CEO Talks Colonial Pipeline Ransomware Attack with CNN By Bob Ackerman The Ransomware attack on US energy infrastructure operator Colonial Pipeline represents an unprecedented cyber security attack in the US....
5/4/2021 7:41:33 PM Leading Strategic Cyber Investors Back Threat Counter-Intelligence Innovator Prevailion By Bob Ackerman Leading strategic cyber security investors, including Accenture and Allstate Insurance, were announced as the most recent additions to...