10/28/2022 7:04:11 PM Death, Taxes And Cyberattacks... By Bob Ackerman Economies expand and economies contract but cyberattacks (and related budgets, costs, and consequences) only move in one direction - "up...
7/8/2022 5:06:23 PM Federal Regulation and Cyber Security Risk - Finding a Workable and Effective Balance By Bob Ackerman In this "Part II" post for Forbes Finance Council, I tackle the challenges of governmental regulation as it applies to cyber security...
5/25/2022 7:33:25 PM Regulators are Doubling Down on Cybersecurity By Bob Ackerman The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is once again turning its attention to standards and reporting for cybersecurity within...
2/16/2021 9:08:13 PM Dragos Co-Founder & CEO Rob Lee on "Safeguarding Civilization" By Bob Ackerman Industrial Control Systems, that critical combination of hardware and software that enables and controls "critical infrastructure" around...
9/28/2020 5:43:01 PM Cyber Security Distributes and Virtualizes By Bob Ackerman The COVID-19 pandemic has forced business, big and small, and government to adopt "remote work" strategies to continue operations. With...