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MomentumCyber's 2021 Cybersecurity Almanac - The Cyber Industry Bible

Momentum Cyber's seminal 2021 Cybersecurity Almanac is out and is the most comprehensive compendium on the cyber security market sector. For those in the cyber industry, the Almanac provides an exceptional overview of the market, ecosystem, players and innovators as well as the future directions of innovation. Congratulations to the Momentum Cyber team on another great distillation of the factors and forces driving the cyber market.  It was an honor collaborating with the MomentumCyber team again this year...

You can find the Almanac linked in the article below.

“We are in the early-middle innings of the Cybersecurity market’s evolution, a period that is defined by the digitization of the full spectrum of bad human behavior which spans personal, business, and government spheres of life,” said Bob Ackerman, founder of AllegisCyber Capital and co-founder of Datatribe. “The market is evolving from the reactive deployment of cyber defense technology to a more aggressive and systemic approach to building inherently secure infrastructure – systems and data in parallel with efforts to reduce the 'time and place' advantage that attackers have over defenders by disrupting the cyber attack playbook with next generation precognitive threat intelligence. As cyber risk expands and budgets increase in response, there is increased scrutiny from executives and board members driving the demand for a holistic view of security posture, an ability to track cyber readiness, and the ability to quantify ROI on cyber investments. Regardless, the cyber market continues to be driven by innovation as the battle between attacker and defender grows increasingly sophisti...


momentumcyber, allegiscyber, 2021cyberalmanac, cybersecurity