The Internet has become the communications fabric of the global digital economy, providing unprecedented access to goods, services and information while also allowing real-time communications and "sharing" between billions of individuals scattered around the globe. The "currency" - the enabler - of this global digital ecosystem is data, personal data, at a magnitude and with fidelity unimaginable just a few years ago. Everything we do and say, every search we make, every transaction we complete (or contemplate) is captured, correlated and processed to profile and "target" us for monetization, mostly without our knowledge and consent. In short, we have sacrificed our privacy on the alter of convenience... Is there away back from the precipice....
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The Internet & Privacy - Hopeless or Helpless
Two years ago, shortly before the advent of the pandemic subsequently made things even worse, a Pew Research Center survey found that more than six in ten Americans didn’t believe it was possible to go through daily life without having their data collected by companies or the government. In addition, 72 percent said all or almost all of what they do online is being tracked by advertisers or technology companies.