The focus on data privacy and security continues to heat up as multiple forces converge to force data collectors, gate keepers and repositories to take a more pro-active and deliberate approach to how they handle personal data. To be sure, there is a long way to go in this global digital economy where “identity” is often akin to the “keys to the kingdom”. Legislation (Europe and California) has been helpful is setting the bar but vendors are beginning to understand that respect for an individual’s data and privacy may in fact be better for business.
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Security and Privacy - Two Sides of One Coin
Privacy relates to any rights you have to control your personal information and how it is used. Security, by contrast, refers to how your personal information is protected. Different data about you resides in multiple places for virtually everyone online regularly, challenging your privacy, as well as security. Some people consider privacy and security as pretty much the same thing, but, while similar, they are different.