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Incident Response Plans - Your Late!

You can deploy all the most modern cyber defenses, state of the art threat identification and detection, advanced cyber risk management (Continuous Controls Monitoring), 3rd Party Risk Measurement, Management and Mitigation and one immutable fact remains - you are going to be hacked; successfully breached.  Regardless of your budget, technical expertise and commitment, you are going to be a victim of a successful cyber attack.  Given the inevitable, you need to have a plan, an Incident Response Plan, for when that eventuality knocks on your door...  A few thoughts on the criticality of an IRP for Cybersecurity Insider.

A few statistics are telling. According to SECUDE, a global security solutions provider, 27 percent of Fortune 500 companies have experienced major data breaches in the past decade. These businesses typically have the most expansive cybersecurity protection. In addition, in a survey by Black Hat USA, nearly two-thirds of security pros polled said they believe their organizations will have at least one major cybersecurity breach over the next 12 months.


incidentresponseplan, cybersecurityinsider, allegiscyber, cybersecurity